Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hey you all!

Maybe I miss spoke about something or mumbled or misspelled or maybe you werent listening because I say a lot of random things and you thought this wasnt important.

If you are in the Challenge....and there is only a short time MUST email me your food log.

As wayne brady told dave.. "this is not an option *&%^!!!!"

If I dont receive a food log from you you are not in the challenge. Im sorry but rules are rules and if you dont like em speak with Officer Rios about such matters ;)

Please email me ( and let a bro know who is still in it to win it. I need a name and a food log. NO EXCEPTIONS.

I love you all, mostly with tough love, but love nonetheless and need directions to be followed in order to not cause conflict.

For those of you by the way who braved the winds and bootcamped it with me this morning big hugs and kisses.

Also a HUGE (to the not huge) Welcome back to WENDY!! Who somehow delivered child and still kicked major butt in her workout. I am upset though that the pregnancy is over because now I cannot pick on her. That means someone else must take her place. Any Takers?!?!? :)

Live the Dream..

Sunday, October 17, 2010


There's more than 5 people in this challenge???

Strange.....because I only receive about 5 food logs a week....on all......

HHmmmm...... That must means that those of you who attended the lecture missed out on a crucial part because everyone was trying to run off and get wasted one last time or go catch dinner....and those of you who "couldn't" make it for whatever reason obviously just don't know.

Well let me break it to you folks.

The only way in and out of this challenge isn't the initiation fee its also a weekly food log that you are all suppose to keep so I know what you're doing and know that you aren't cheating.

See things can go wrong in challenges like this; digestive issues, mood issues, hormonal issues, performance issues, results issues etc. and I cant help you figure any of that out if I don't know what the heck y'all are doing!

Some of you may be saying "this paleo thing is a joke, I haven't had any changes!" And I am unable to help those who may be thinking this because I have no idea what you're doing because you for whatever reason missed the mentioning that you MUST turn in weekly food logs.

Hopefully you've been keeping track, if not, better start.

In order to seriously be considered in this challenge you MUST turn in a food log every week. If I don't have food logs from you you WILL NOT WIN. I don't care how much you lost.

The only person who should have won last time was Nolan. Not just for leaning out like a mutha but on the technicality that he was the only one who showed up on the last day. Interesting.....

Please email all food logs to

I have really only been receiving 5 food logs a week and through passing conversation with Cat learned that there are like 15 of you in this challenge. Whoops!.........

I believe we are at the 1/2 way point which isn't bad.

Of course if you have any questions please email me at the same address.

Hope all is well y'all.

Let me know if its not....