I know a lot of you don't have the time to read the amazing book Good Calories, Bad Calories, and honestly I don't blame you. But overall it is one of the most important books on our shelves today. Harry Pre-puberty and Twilight emo vampires shouldn't be on your summer reading if you know whats good for you. But there are some break downs of what it in this book. I have attached an article to break this down. The book is fracking long...I'm not gonna lie. Gary Taubes spent like 7 years doing research and went all the way back into what went wrong with the human diet. How far back? He brings up evidence of human diet before we even landed in America (we meaning....I'm not going to get into that). Many of you don't know this, but I have a BS in Creative Writing which means I like to read books, write essays and stories and I would never, EVER want to write a bibliography like this book has. But it is, like I said, probably one of the most important books you could/should read. It breaks down whats wrong with our Big Brother controlling our food, the experiments we have run on ourselves as humans, all of the myths of foods and more. It DOES NOT tell you what to eat though. You should be able to read between the lines. I will give you a hint though if you ask nicely (COUGH*meanveggiesseedsnutslittlestarchsomefruitnosugarnobread*SNEEZE).
This article was taking from a body building website that bashes CF pretty regularly and are interested more in aesthetics than performance and especially health. If you watch what the interviewer says in response to Gary says its pretty fun. He becomes completely stumped and shocked. Want to go a step further and read some more funny stuff, read the discussion page and the bottom and what some people say about eating. Its a HOOT!
Enjoy....and learn something....
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