Hey there strangers!!
Where the hell have y'all been??!!??
Sorry I have been away from the blog for such a long time. For a while there I wasnt sure if anyone was even reading this stuff. It turns out that a few of you started asking what the hell happened. So to update you on some awesome reading I have been doing check out the following links:
Building a Diet that Helps Lower Inflammation:
Bad Diets:
Good Meats:
There were also two other articles which have expired from yahoo but I can give you a minor breakdown.
One was on Hormones and Plastics: basically what it was saying was that some group of scientist somewhere had been doing studies and came to the scientific conclusion (through testing) that plastics can effect hormones in some regards. This may have resulted in a lower amount of testosterone or an extra amount of estrogen or progesterone etc etc. This goes hand in hand in the belief in BPA and other chemicals being harmful (I know that most chemicals in baby products are constantly under scrutiny and dont usually fare too well.) One could extend this to the belief that certain electrical devices can cause problems with the body as well (I am a firm believer in that). This article I would file under the "Everything Can Kill You" section because it will eventually lead you to check whats in your tooth paste, soup, water, contacts, food, clothing, bedding etc etc.
The second article was about supplements and quality. The article was saying that there are independent research groups who go into stores and check the quality of certain products and have found out that mainly the products were actually at a lower dose than what was on the bottle. What does that mean? It means that if you are paying for something expecting to be receiving the stated dosage, of lets say vitamin C, the dosage that was actually in each pill was far less than what was stated on the bottle. I have found this to be true with a lot of things Ive taken so I usually end up taking slightly more than the recommended amount and continue to increase that dosage until I get SERIOUS effects and then back down. You can experiment with fish oil and do this, vitamin B's, C's etc. I dont do this with all drugs and supplements, cause thats stupid, but some. The company in the article found that most of the products they were testing greatly exaggerated their doses.
SO take that!
Welcome back!
Chris! my phone was lost/stolen!! and i don;t have your #!!! call me or email me!! haven't talked to you in ages, and your my bestest man friend!!! call me/email me please! mperk003@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteo and by the way, THANK GOODNESS your blogging again!! :)