Well, its a matter of days now. In just a few days some of you are going to unleash your overwhelmed, imprisoned taste buds on anything and everything you haven't had in the past few weeks. Many of you will find nothing but pain, loss of finance, possible vomit or diarrhea, the fetal position, darkness, guilt and more. Some of you may never come back. Sure you will make attempts but you wont fully come back. Im talking about those who once this challenge is over, have some bad intentions towards processed carbs and sweets. Sadder is there are some who havent even been 90% with this and still feel like they MUST cheat (you know who you are).
Anyways, its almost over.....OR is it?!!? MMuuuaaahhhahahaha....ha...ha.....
Right? Wait! Some of you lost tons of weight. Some set new PRs. Some look and feel younger. Some are just starting to make really amazing progress, so the question is; is it actually over?? For most of you Im going to assume that its not. Some of you arent going to go back to the way you ate before this challenge/intervention and that makes me happy. For some of you this hasnt just impacted you but also your families lives as well. You got stronger, faster, fitter, clothes fit better and you can think and function better. For some of you this wasnt a challenge but the right thing you need to do to see improvements in your overall health. For some that right thing was passed to others as well. Congrats to you. Great job to all.
As a trainer, coach, friend, person, seeing these positive changes in each of you and hearing about them is something that brings a true joy to me knowing that if possible I helped in some way, and for that joy I thank You.
Pictures. Final pictures must be sent in my Monday 3-29-10. If you are at the gym this weekend and dont think its getting any better you can ask us to take the pictures friday, saturday, sunday or monday. ALL PICTURES MUST BE TURNED IN MY MONDAY NIGHT. No pic no prize.
Suggestion!!: Dont take the picture after the workout, you arent going to look any leaner and depending on the wod you may look puffy. Just throwing that out there.
Simi Paleo Challengers: Trying to plan this accordingly I would like it if all of those who participated in the challenge show up to the 730pm class on tuesday (because Im also lacking attendees at that time) to find out who won. Ha! Want your money! Better show. P.s. I dont have your money, just wanted to state that for the record :) If you can not make it please email me.
BIM Paleo Challengers: You still need to email me pics by Monday night. Winner will be announced Tuesday night. Since there are only like 4 of you, we probably wont meet but I will meet with you individually. I do kindly ask that you email me all and any changes physiological changes that have taken place over the past few weeks ie total weight loss, total fat loss, muscle gain, any signs of better health or feelings etc.
Congrats to all of you! I wish you all the best!