...You are going to suck....
This was originally brought to my attention when Gary had explained to me that the last WOD he performed he completely sucked at. He felt terrible, slow, dragging and to make matters worse his wife completed the workout faster than he did....wow....
So what happened?
Well Gary forgot to realize that his body is changing. No not puberty folks, but he is switching over to Paleo.
Everyone in the challenge should pay attention to this and I have no better way to say it: youre probably gona suck.
I know I promised you all kinds of wonderful results by switching over to Paleo but this stuff does take time. Depending on how well you were following the American Diet before switching over to Paleo could result in the progress taking longer.
So until your body adapts, in the mean time you may suck. Its just part of the process. You will fall back a little while your body gets used to what youre doing and then you will start to do nothing but PR.
So even though you might feel like the guy below, hang in there and be super excited for the benefits that are coming shortly ;)