Oh yes my friends. The big day is upon us!! The start to the 2nd Crossfit Simi Valley Paleo Challenge!! If you havent had youre measurements or pictures taken or emailed me for a food log and such please do. (Email xfitnut@yahoo.com)
There were definitely some things we were unfortunately unable to go over because most of you were trying to split to go party-hearty on a friday night which I really cant be mad at you for.
Meal construction:
Try to think of when you are hungry and youre going to make some grub in this order:
1) What animal am I going to eat?
Always try to start your meal with a good source of protein from the list. This should be the crux of your meal. Feel free to mix and match as well for meals. Animals are awesome, and they taste good. Enjoy them.
2) Fat? What kind of fat are you going to have with your meal. Avocado, olive oil, coconut milk etc etc. Fat is really important because of a lot of reasons, all of them good. One important thing it does though is makes you feel full. DONT go crazy with fat but definitely dont go light with it. You really want to take it in moderation.
3) Carbs: here is where you want to get really intimate, ok maybe not intimate, but acquainted with Veggies....and some fruit... Most of your carb sources should come from these guys. Fruits in moderation but veggies you can literally go hog wild on. I dare you to try and over eat on veggies (d0nt really you wont feel too good).
Remember to chew your food A LOT! THere is a lot of important things that happen when eating and one of them is chewing. A lot of the important stuff you need to absorb from food starts when it starts melting in your mouth. So really chew your food. You will also feel more full which helps. Everyone should be enjoying your food. So please Enjoy!
Cutting: If you are going to cut things out I suggested 2 options: Cut 1 thing and then another and then another. Basically get used to cutting 1 thing and when you are ok with it start on another and so on. OR Cut everything and run!! Basically cut everything, go hardcore paleo, and REAP the benefits. Its on you really.
I have an analogy I have been using the past few weeks. Imagine this Challenge like a trip to Vegas. Now how do you want to get there? Do you want my really fast sports car? Or do you want to walk?
I have an analogy I have been using the past few weeks. Imagine this Challenge like a trip to Vegas. Now how do you want to get there? Do you want my really fast sports car? Or do you want to walk?
But really do what you are comfortable with while being slightly uncomfortable. Im not trying to ruin anyones life, despite what some of you may think my goal is in my classes, Im really only trying to make you Look Perform and Feel better.
So Cutting Options include but are not limited to:
1) Grains---read this article--http://cfsvdiner.blogspot.com/2009/04/truth-about-grains.html
2) Dairy-- read this article--http://cfsvdiner.blogspot.com/2010/08/its-just-like-me.html
3) Sugar--common sense, no attached article
Also read these articles from last years challenge to get some more help. Its all the articles from the challenge that took place including resources for meal ideas and the food list from the lecture.
Start Eating and Starting Leaning!!!!
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