Friday, February 25, 2011

Whatcha know about health???

Salad???!? F**K SALAD!!!!

So I found a new way to eat. Who is with me??!!??

In all serious I do not condone this type of eating style but would be totally down to recreate or create a dish. Check out there video where they make the 100,000 calorie sandwich.

No, I did not miss type a single freaking letter. 100,000 calories... You would probably have to do the same amount of burpees to work that off and then fast for 2 weeks AFTER of course we replace your heart, lungs, stomach and entire circulatory system.

That's right....carrots are for ugly people!


  1. I am pretty sure I threw up a little. That's gross!!

  2. That is a damn lie Rachel!! GO WAIT IN THE CAR!! You would totally get down on that salad. Thing was a piece of art...meaty, delicious, jack daniels cooked art....

  3. Too much meat for me in one sitting if you get what I'm saying HAHA! :)
