- Eat lean meat, vegetables and fish oil..If you want starchy carbs, only eat them post workout... consider them a reward for doing what you should be doing anyway.
-Lift more often than you have the desire to. Lift heavier weights than you think you should. Run longer and faster than your lungs tell you you can. Do more reps when your Body says it can’t...and finally, do what you HATE the most, more than anything else.
-For your meals: Do your best to eat as much whole food as possible (as opposed to supplements) The Vitamins and minerals within them are essential to performance.
-If you are not a little nervous/anxious BEFORE your workout and didn't feel sick DURING your workout, most likely you are not training hard enough to get where you want to go.
-Do big compound movements with Barbells or dumbells for 90% of your work... even accessory work.
-Do Sprints, sledgehammer swings, tire flips, complexes, GPP, or Sled drags/prowler for energy systems work, everything else should be considered NEPA or active recovery.
-If you train hard and are planning on walking when you are 50, you better be Stretching, using a foam roller and working with a LAX ball regularly. I know it hurts and I know it sucks, but so does riding around on one of those Rascal scooter things that fat people use at the grocery store.
-Keep a log of your training- What gets measured is what gets done. If you don't know what you did last workout, how are you going to beat it this workout? NOT USING A LOG MAKES YOUR TRAINING A WASTE OF TIME! Don't ask anyone questions about training or diet unless you can show them some form of history of what you have been doing. It would be like not giving a medical history to a Doctor and then asking them to make you feel better. Don't be an idiot---people could answer 90% of their own arbitrary questions if they just compared what they are/aren't doing with their original plan…
-99% of people do not have the testicular fortitude or discipline to work hard enough and consistently enough to get the results they want...Don't be that guy. And if you are one of the 1% who will put the time and effort in, just smile because everyone thinks you are on roids and are a genetic freak- They also refer to you as such behind your back.
-F&@# 90% of Training Partners. Stupidity breeds stupidity and most partners spend more time talking about BS and screaming worthless false encouragement to each other than actually challenging one another to be better. If you need a spot, ask for one from the 90 lb Personal trainer walking around doing nothing…Otherwise grow some balls and get it done alone.
-That said, if you have found another 1%er, stick with them...heck, maybe even consider becoming "life partners". That way you can get a tax cut while splitting time cooking chicken and spinach together.
-PREPARE your meals in advance! You do not live in a cave. That big cold box in your kitchen…it should be brimming with Tupperware/Pyrex containers ---each one full of some form of lean meat and vegetables that you cooked in mass amounts on Sunday (or whatever day you are off) and stored for the week. I would be willing to bet my left sweaty baby maker that this is where 99.9999% of all diets fail. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail…You can bake like 30 chicken breasts/steaks/fish fillets all at one time. There really isn’t any excuse for you to not be shredded other than you chose to do something lame, like watch TV as opposed to getting your food ready for the week…
-Train FOR something, a show, a meet, a fight, a beach vacation, etc. It is tough to stay motivated without a goal...Also, always train for strength…Size is a great bi-product.
-Every time you Stick food in your mouth or choose the weight for your next set ask yourself, "Will this make me better?". Then act accordingly.
-it is tough to out diet pansy training without ending up looking like Christian Bale in "The Machinist" , and it is harder to out train a bad diet without ending up on the Biggest Loser...Do both or none, it is that simple. Mediocrity is for the weak.
-Your training WILL mimic your personality and thus, your life decisions. If you work hard in the gym and stay disciplined, you can overcome just about any other endeavor outside of the gym, simply because you have chosen to take control over your environment. If you are lazy and make excuses all of the time, than I am pretty sure you will also find THOSE similar traits elsewhere in your life.
-If you are not where you want to be in or out of the gym: It is YOUR fault. Own your crap.
-I do supersets and giant sets not because it is the most advantageous way to gain muscle...I do them because things need to get done...My time is limited, and I don't like most of the idiots at the gym. So I get in, get it done, and get out. I hate walking into the gym, but love walking out soaked and spent...results aren't a bad thing either.
-People worry too much about small stuff when the big stuff is not in order. This stuff is not complicated...grow a pair, don't eat bad, and get just a little bit better each training session. Look at the 5/3/1 questions in the powerlifting forum...some of them are valid, yet some look a whole lot like, "Hey Jimbo, is it ok for me to switch out my Gallon of milk a day for a gallon of skittle flavored vodka? Will this make me HYOOOOOGGGEEEE?"
-Another note on that...Invest in knowledge. Don't ask 1,000 stupid questions that could all be answered by spending $20 bucks on a book with ALL of the answers (5/3/1, Precision nutrition, Starting Strength). If you can't afford it, send me a PM about why -- if I can't use my brain to figure out a way for you to earn $20, I'll send you the money myself! - There are no free lunches, and you will have to work hard and earn every bit you get. If it was easy-everyone would do it! A new you does not come in 6 easy installments of $19.95!
-Finally, if you are not regularly doing ATG squats and heavy deads, don't even bother asking a question about getting bigger and stronger...It’s called hard work…and you’re doing it wrong.
I like this post, a friendly reminder, particularly like the "testicular fortitude"
ReplyDeleteJust having some chicken breast and veggies for lunch..while taking a break from work -Jyoti
I like this post, where did it come from? We miss you! Tell Heather hello for me. We're having Meatza for dinner and wishing you were here to share! Hope it's all going well. Wendy
ReplyDeleteHey Guys!! Im glad you both are reading this why you are eating. Im about to do a big bomb of a post soon hopefully tomorrow which should be pretty good. I am CRAVING meatza!! Heather and I both have been dying for it. We are actually gona make a great pumpkin cake for tomorrow which should be like AMAZING!!
ReplyDeleteTHe post came from a guy I follow named Alpha - a true inspiration in my eyes. I will tell her - she says hi - and I definitely miss you guys too. Send me an email about the following if you could :
1) How youre doing as a coach
2) What and How to of those amazing choco-balls
3) How to make a meatza
Youre the best!
Jyoti- everyone needs to have testicular fortitude.....EVERYONE