Sunday, February 21, 2010


Ever rip your underwear squatting?? This is the second time it happened to me. At first I thought it was a muscle or a tendon. Then I thought it was my pants, so I spent a good amount of time molesting myself hoping I didnt just rip my pants and my booty is hanging out in a populated gym that I work at. Turns out it was just the underwear. I kept squatting until it wouldnt rip anymore. Wide stance, depth.....might have to work out commando because this may get expensive. Conclusions? Need stretchier underwear, no underwear, booty getting bigger, stop squatting....... Load some weight, get your wide stance, drop deep and tear some victorias secret. (No that was not what I was wearing I just think it would make for a better story).
It does Not matter

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Poor Bastards

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Under no circumstance will any of the pictures for this challenge be made public or posted publicly UNLESS permission is giving by that person in the photos. WE WILL NOT POST THE PICTURES. There is nothing but respect for privacy. We have a trust with our clients concerning several issues and this is one of those. So please understand;
Thank you.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Protein Powder
With Holding Information

Two days into it and some are already complaining of lack of "flavor" or "taste".......seriously?? Its called "spices." If you dont know what they are or how to use them, I dont see you making it through the challenge (sorry). There is a simple fact of when it comes to meat "EVERYTHING taste the SAME." It is only spiced to taste differently. The only difference between KFC and El Pollo Loco is spices. KFC has a "secret recipe" which they have used for years consisting of herbs and spices. EPL has there own (mainly lime). Chicken tastes like chicken. All meat has, pulled from the animal, a bland taste. You have to add spices to make it something special. To many this is a no brainer for others the are lacking the flavor. Food is food. You have to make it special you have to add things too it. As of recently you have just paying other people a lot of money to flavor it for you. How much sense does that make?
OH!!! ALso, butter....if you are gonna use it the running recommendation right now is KerryGold (I use unsalted, I liked the taste more) Its a great butter you can put on anything really. It comes from New Zealand or something (so its like $4) but comes from Real cows that are free range and grass fed. Bang!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
I feel so warm inside

Hey every1,
I just wanted to throw an update out there, Nolan has jumped into this full boar. He has made a blog and promises to try and keep it updated. You too can do the same. Like I said the more community involved in this the better. Im posting his link here but it will also permanently be added to the side bar (underneath my info) on the right of the screen. Just wanted to congratulate Nolan on his pursuit to raise his standards. I think its awesome and as more results pour in from others its going to be even better. Today was day one, so Please let the others know how you're feeling.
Check out Nolans Blog here: http://nolanpatterson.blogspot.com
Good job/luck/times every1
Sunday, February 7, 2010
You are screwed


Tons of info:
Good meals:
Paleo Bfast and Dinner ideas:
more to come......
Important INFO

It’s important to emphasize the privacy of the pictures that are taken, especially these days. We will send every participant’s Before and After pictures to them via their email address. The pictures will be kept on a private computer.
Several people will tell us they want to do the LEANing Challenge but that you can’t give up this or that. We DONT care. Even if our clients make just one change, such as cutting out high-fructose corn syrup, that is good enough for us. Often, once people start writing down what they eat, it’s only then that they can see for themselves the changes they need to make.
For each Challenge we’ve found that there are a few people who will jump into the Challenge by starving themselves. They come into the gym and report dizziness and that they feel awful. This is where the Food Log is really handy. We will be able to look at what you are eating and often we will let you know that they are not eating nearly enough.
Also there are few people whose body will not switch into a fat-burning mode very quickly. Hence, you may not see any results for weeks. This can be very discouraging and makes it hard for these people to stick with the Challenge. We encourage you to hang in there. The changes will come. (This is, of course, a very generalized statement. You may have other underlying factors that are keeping you from burning fat).
-2 oz chicken breast, 1 apple, 6 almonds.
-12 almonds, 7 oz carrots, Omelet: 4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1/3 of a bell
pepper, 1/4 cup mushrooms, 3/4 cup salsa
-4 oz chicken breast, 1 apple, 21 almonds, 2.5 cups steamed collard greens
-2 oz chicken breast, 24 almonds
-4 oz chicken breast, 1 apple, 12 almonds, 2.5 cups of rhutabaga
-1 peanut butter cookie
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The list you have been waiting for
Sorry it took so late to get this out but here it is....finally....THE LIST!!! It is pretty detailed but like I said of course if you have any questions please post them in comments or email them. Nolan had a question concerning brands of vitamins so I figured I would just respond to his question in the comments section for you all to read and that way I don't get a bunch of the same questions. Like I said I'm trying to make this simple for everyone. Details of the challenge as far as food logs/pictures/meetings will be posted Sunday at some point. To give you the heads up now everyone will pretty much have to come in Monday at some point and take pictures. If you cannot come in you can take pictures at home and send them in. CF Simi is huge with privacy. WE WILL NOT BE RELEASING THE PICTURES. So ie no one will see them. You send them in and only the coaches will review the photos. If you are embarrassed then you sure as hell better be in the challenge and HIGHLY motivated. Enough gibberish here's the list:
LEANing Challenge Guide to Eating
All of the lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs you can eat
All of the non starchy vegetables you can eat
Plenty of fruit
Moderate healthy fats
Moderate nuts and seeds
No grains or cereals at all
No legumes
No dairy products (eggs are meat)
No processed foods – make it yourself!
No sugars. Agave, organic honey, molasses, pure spun golden sunshine….it doesn’t matter. They are all equally bad for you.
No artificial sweeteners. These are not food! Creepy laboratory products with sketchy safety records, artificial sweeteners have been shown to produce an insulin response.
“In order to get enough protein and calories you should eat animal food at almost every meal” (Cordain, Page 101)
Many different kinds of meat will work well for you. Here are some guidelines:
- Animals, including fish, raised in commercial farms are not healthy so try to get
§ Grass fed beef
§ USDA certified organic meat
§ Wild fish
§ Locally raised animals
- If unable to do any of the above, then eat the leanest cuts you can and trim visible fat.
- Eating the fat of healthy fish, birds and animals is good for you. Eating the fat of unhealthy creatures is not.
- Eggs are good. Eggs from birds allowed to forage and run around are better.
- Buffalo, elk, venison and other types of wild game are excellent choices if you can get them.
Time to get creative. Non starchy vegetables should be a big part of each meal. Virtually all vegetables offer excellent nutritional value.
- When possible choose organic, locally grown vegetables that are in season. Each of these factors will improve nutritional value.
- Experiment with sautéing, roasting and grilling your veggies. Try different recipes and different ethnic foods. Learn to use herbs and spices. This stuff should taste good!
- Peppers, squashes, eggplant, garlic, leeks, onions broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, carrots, green, cabbage, celery, kale, dandelion (yes! dandelion) spinach, tomatoes, radish, parsnips, mushrooms….
- Avoid starchy vegetable – potatoes, etc. If you must eat starch (it happens) try yams and sweet potatoes.
- Avoid legumes. Peanuts, beans, peas, lentils and soybeans should be avoided.
A paleo diet allows and encourages lots of fruit consumption. There are a few issues with fruit consumption though. We need to consider how the fruit was grown as well as the type of fruit to evaluate nutritional value. We also need to consider pesticide exposure.
- If you can grow your own fruit or pick wild fruit – go for it!
- Scavenge the local farmers market for fresh local seasonal fruit. Organic is best.
- Try to avoid fruit from far away. Flying in kiwis from New Zealand is not really helping our health.
- Avoid GMO (genetically modified organism) fruit. Period.
- A little fruit juice occasionally can be okay but, fruit juice is really candy.
- Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly to minimize pesticides.
- Some fruits like bananas have a high glycemic load and should be avoided if you are trying to loose fat.
Berries! Eat lots of berries!
Filling and nutritious. Nuts and seeds are packed with protein, fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants and lots of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and magnesium. It is possible to screw up your fat profile with nuts though. Lots of nuts have an unacceptably high omega 6 / omega 3 ratio. Here are the best choices:
Macadamia nuts
Nuts in moderation are very healthy but overeating them can stall weight loss. Cashews especially are delicious but surprisingly high in carbohydrate and contain too much omega 6.
Peanuts are not nuts. Do not eat peanuts or peanut butter. Peanuts contain lectins and other anti-nutrients which can cause some real health problems.
Note: Lots of packaged, shelled nuts are covered in trans fats! Read the label! Best to buy raw, unsalted nuts and spice them at home. When in doubt, buy walnuts and/or macadamia nuts.
Fat is good for you. Fat is essential to your well being and happiness. (This is not hyperbolic writing. Having the proper fat profile makes a huge difference to your mental outlook and moods). Fat is a great source of energy. Fat triggers our sense of being full. Fat is an essential part of many of your cellular and hormonal processes. We sicken and die fairly quickly without adequate intake of essential fats.
However….there are many bad fats in our food supply.
Fat from healthy animals is good for you! Chicken, duck, goose, lamb, beef and pork fat can all be eaten and is an excellent choice for cooking because of heat stability. Lard is internal fat from around the kidneys. Lard from naturally (not grain) fed pork and beef is a very good choice. Lard from grass fed animals is hard to find though, so butter can be used instead.
Butter. Not really paleo, butter contains milk solids and water as well as fat. Butter from grass fed cows is very good for cooking and enhancing the flavor of steamed vegetables.
Making butter better! (More paleo)
Melt butter in a sauce pan over low heat. Remove butter from heat and let stand for a few minutes, allowing the milk solids to settle to the bottom. Skim the clear yellow liquid from the top and strain into a container. You have just made Ghee! Ghee stores well frozen.
Coconut oil is good for you and a good choice for cooking. Choose organic, cold processed coconut oil.
Olive oil is very healthy. Go for the extra virgin, cold pressed and use liberally. Olive oil does not have great heat stability so use something else for high heat frying.
Flaxseed oil is very good but…it should not be heated at all and oxidizes rapidly. Store flaxseed oil in the refrigerator and use quickly.
Fats to Avoid:
Trans Fats – fats damaged by heat. Trans fats can be extremely destructive to our health. Trans fats can be made at home!! Start with a healthy, unrefined oil, naturally high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids – apply excessive heat and presto! Health wrecking trans fats. Easy!
Hydrogenated and/or partially hydrogenated oils. Terrible! Reread the last paragraph.
Canola – should be avoided. Canola has a very good omega 6/ Omega 3 ratio. However, to be used commercially it has been genetically modified, highly refined, partially hydrogenated and deodorized. Yikes!
Margarine – see trans fats.
Peanut, cottonseed, soybean and wheat germ oils…Not good!
I will also be posting links for meal ideas sunday as well including websites for other such information. I hope this info helps. Best of luck to everyone =)