Muuahhahahah!!! You guys asked for it!!! Some of you wanted that extra day!!! Wanted to wait till the saints won. Well for those of you that decided that today is the last day and im going to go all out....you just made it...SO...damn...hard for yourself! I said its an addiction, so if you think that tomorrow when you wake up that youre going to have the self control to drive those cravings away....we shall see. If you are one of those people that loaded up and jumped on that vicious cycle I was describing you are going to have a really rough week. LET THE CRAVINGS BEGIN!!! Its a fact, that addicts who use before entering rehab have a horrible time trying to come of. BE PREPARED!!
Now some of you think im probably just being mean...well yeah...tough love, eh, but I come bringing advice. If you have left overs, if you have temptations in your house or around you GET RID OF IT. You wont make it. You will break and the cycle begins anew. Get it out of the house dont interact with it. You have to come down and detox....YOU>>>HAVE>>TO. I can not stress this enough. This is going to be like coming down from a high...ly addictive substance. For some newly recovered addicts it takes time to be able to go to a bar or hang with friends who use, same thing will happen. BUT! the better life, the better you, the new standards are more than worth it. You have to be strong. You have to have good reasons and vision and make this a MUST. And you can. You can do this. Its 7 weeks. Dont quit. STAY STRONG.
Get the stuff out of the house. Dont be around it. Plan your meals. Cook ahead. Stay Strong.
If it helps tell yourself that you will do this 1 week. No cheating, no slips, no breaks. 1 week no matter what. At the end of that week see if you want to cheat, probably not. If you cant make it PAST 3 days, we are in serious trouble. I predict people making mistakes like "Oh! Well I thought that was paleo?" (and BTW if its a stupid mistake like "I thought tequila was ok because its a plant" you are going to be on my list, and take it from heather who is on it frequently, you dont want to be there) You can all do this, you dont have a good enough reason not to. Best of luck. 12am tonight...LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN!!!!
Dont be the weak one on the bottom; getting your a** kicked by cravings/sugar/carbs....
Be the Strong one on top; beating the snot of all of it....
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