Monday, August 8, 2011
Food For Thought

Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011

For anyone who still reads this, here are some very important links to browse over.
The Truth About Calories:http://health.yahoo.net/rodale/MH/the-truth-about-calories
A Fantastic interview with The Kraken: Matt LaLonde:
THE best breakdown of the Paleo Diet I have ever read (Even I learned some new things):
Then read how the Paleo Diet is considered the WORST diet in terms of long term weight loss:
Then read the rebuttals about how the author is an un-researched, misinformed dumbass-stupid-sonof-a-bitch. My guess, either the author is a fatty or this article was paid by one of the following 1 - 5 diet PR teams listed in the article. Oddly enough the amount of people who chimed in to say the diet WORKS for them far out numbers all the other diets. Even the Paleo diet has the LOWEST count of the "diet did not work for me" as well.
I have gathered a TON of information regarding physical transformation during my time out here. I literally have been obsessed with it and have personally experimented with it (as well as H)(results to be posted soon.) I will be bringing this back and hopefully having a day of just info sharing.
Be mutha-trucking excited because these results are mutha-trucking shocking!!!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tips, Tricks and Info
So I know I haven’t posted in a while but literally the last two weeks I have been doing nothing but gathering intel and info. Most of what I have been putting effort in and even experimenting in is Insulin Management and/or Manipulation.
This is all based off of tons of articles I have come across. Unfortunately I will bounce from site to site so I haven’t saved every single link out there, so I will only be able to post links that I can actually remember.
Please NOTE: Mostly all of the info below if for leaning out. Spring and Summer are coming so I’m trying to personally cut down BF% (actually I’m trying to get it under 5% right now - which is a little difficult to say the least because I am also competing in the Crossfit Games.)
I’m going to try and break this down in to Rules to Follow in order to get lean. Explanation will be limited but available upon request. To remind y'all Insulin is a fat storage hormone - so if you seek a leaner sexier body composition - managing and controlling insulin is going to be an almost daily battle. Once you get it under control then you can start to have some fun. So here we go!!
Rules to Follow for Mastering Insulin Management:
1) 100-50g: I don’t usually recommend you guys count or track anything but now I’m going to make a suggestion. Count your carb grams. When you do you want limit your daily carb gram intake to either 100g or 50g. Which one to choose? How bad is your insulin management and how fast do you want to lean out? If you want to take this to war and go full out then 50g. If you would like to ease into this so you get the hang of it 100g. Why 100g? Because liver glycogen storage levels are only 100g - anything over that can either be stored on another organ (possibly) stored as muscle glycogen (possibly) or stored as fat (most likely).
Want more info on insulin: http://www.tnation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/the_insulin_advantage_how_to_bulk_and_cut_on_the_same_day
3) Morning cardio: If you can knock this out fasted cardio is a great option to strip fat off. Fasted morning cardio is you wake up grab a cup of coffee and perform what is called "Non Panting Cardio" which is you move fast enough that you aren’t losing your breath what so ever. The easiest way is to get on a treadmill, set the incline on a high grade and keep the speed moderate. How moderate? You should be able to have a complete normal conversation on the phone and they wouldn’t know you were doing cardio. You would want to perform this morning cardio for 45mins to 1 hour. Let me warn you that this could be mind numbingly boring. You have to find ways to entertain yourself. If you don’t have a treadmill you can walk quickly around the street, perform super slow ass burpees or row very lightly.
http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/the_ultimate_cardio_solution_disclosed 4) Limit fruit: One serving daily perhaps - saved for only post workout and it would possibly probably be better to remove fruit and resort to implementing starchy carbs post workout because they are better at resorting muscle glycogen (not being converted into fat.) http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/3_tricks_for_faster_fat_loss
5) Carb Cycle: Don’t know how? This is one of the best articles I have found on the subject with a time line and what to eat: http://www.tnation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/carb_cycling_for_fat_loss
7) Circuit train: Pick several movements with various loads and cycle through them for either times or rep counts (meaning hit 20-35 reps for 3-6 rounds or stay at each exercise for a certain amount of time like 1-3 mins.)
The Stuff
1 handful of walnuts
1 handful of pecans
2 tablespoons ground flax seed
1 or 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 pinch of ground nutmeg
1 pinch ground ginger
1 tablespoon almond butter (or any nut butter; I used cashew)
1 banana, mashed
3 omega-3 enriched eggs
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (or more if you like it runnier)
2 teaspoons pumpkin seeds (optional)
1 handful of berries (optional)
Putting All That Stuff Together
1. A small food processor really helps here, but you could get by without one. Place walnuts, pecans, spice and flax seed into the food pro and give it a few pulses. Don't grind it into powder though; leave it coarse. No food pro? Smash the nuts as best as you can in a sandwich baggie, then add flax and spices. Mix well. Set aside.
2. Add eggs and almond milk to a bowl and whisk until it starts to thicken a little. (A shaker bottle works well here too.)3. Smash together the banana and the nut butter. Combine well with egg mixture.
4. Now add the nut/spice blend and mix well. Warm on the stove or in the microwave until it thickens to whatever consistency you like. Stir frequently. 5. Top with berries, pumpkin seeds or whatever the heck you want. Enjoy.
Yield: Two big bowls of steaming goodness.

The Stuff:
2 cups blanched almond flour
Half-can of pure pumpkin (7 or 8 ounces)
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) Smart Balance butter with omega-3, softened
4 whole eggs, omega-3 enriched preferred (or Egg Beaters)
1/3 cup water
Several whoppin' big dashes of pumpkin pie spice blend (or cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and allspice)
Pam or spray coconut oil (I like the Spectrum brand)
Turning This Stuff Into Cake
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Mix dry ingredients. Mix wet ingredients. Mix the two together. A hand mixer works best here.
3) Pour into a Pam or coconut oil-sprayed baking dish. Toss into the oven for about 45 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

- Eat lean meat, vegetables and fish oil..If you want starchy carbs, only eat them post workout... consider them a reward for doing what you should be doing anyway.
-Lift more often than you have the desire to. Lift heavier weights than you think you should. Run longer and faster than your lungs tell you you can. Do more reps when your Body says it can’t...and finally, do what you HATE the most, more than anything else.
-For your meals: Do your best to eat as much whole food as possible (as opposed to supplements) The Vitamins and minerals within them are essential to performance.
-If you are not a little nervous/anxious BEFORE your workout and didn't feel sick DURING your workout, most likely you are not training hard enough to get where you want to go.
-Do big compound movements with Barbells or dumbells for 90% of your work... even accessory work.
-Do Sprints, sledgehammer swings, tire flips, complexes, GPP, or Sled drags/prowler for energy systems work, everything else should be considered NEPA or active recovery.
-If you train hard and are planning on walking when you are 50, you better be Stretching, using a foam roller and working with a LAX ball regularly. I know it hurts and I know it sucks, but so does riding around on one of those Rascal scooter things that fat people use at the grocery store.
-Keep a log of your training- What gets measured is what gets done. If you don't know what you did last workout, how are you going to beat it this workout? NOT USING A LOG MAKES YOUR TRAINING A WASTE OF TIME! Don't ask anyone questions about training or diet unless you can show them some form of history of what you have been doing. It would be like not giving a medical history to a Doctor and then asking them to make you feel better. Don't be an idiot---people could answer 90% of their own arbitrary questions if they just compared what they are/aren't doing with their original plan…
-99% of people do not have the testicular fortitude or discipline to work hard enough and consistently enough to get the results they want...Don't be that guy. And if you are one of the 1% who will put the time and effort in, just smile because everyone thinks you are on roids and are a genetic freak- They also refer to you as such behind your back.
-F&@# 90% of Training Partners. Stupidity breeds stupidity and most partners spend more time talking about BS and screaming worthless false encouragement to each other than actually challenging one another to be better. If you need a spot, ask for one from the 90 lb Personal trainer walking around doing nothing…Otherwise grow some balls and get it done alone.
-That said, if you have found another 1%er, stick with them...heck, maybe even consider becoming "life partners". That way you can get a tax cut while splitting time cooking chicken and spinach together.
-PREPARE your meals in advance! You do not live in a cave. That big cold box in your kitchen…it should be brimming with Tupperware/Pyrex containers ---each one full of some form of lean meat and vegetables that you cooked in mass amounts on Sunday (or whatever day you are off) and stored for the week. I would be willing to bet my left sweaty baby maker that this is where 99.9999% of all diets fail. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail…You can bake like 30 chicken breasts/steaks/fish fillets all at one time. There really isn’t any excuse for you to not be shredded other than you chose to do something lame, like watch TV as opposed to getting your food ready for the week…
-Train FOR something, a show, a meet, a fight, a beach vacation, etc. It is tough to stay motivated without a goal...Also, always train for strength…Size is a great bi-product.
-Every time you Stick food in your mouth or choose the weight for your next set ask yourself, "Will this make me better?". Then act accordingly.
-it is tough to out diet pansy training without ending up looking like Christian Bale in "The Machinist" , and it is harder to out train a bad diet without ending up on the Biggest Loser...Do both or none, it is that simple. Mediocrity is for the weak.
-Your training WILL mimic your personality and thus, your life decisions. If you work hard in the gym and stay disciplined, you can overcome just about any other endeavor outside of the gym, simply because you have chosen to take control over your environment. If you are lazy and make excuses all of the time, than I am pretty sure you will also find THOSE similar traits elsewhere in your life.
-If you are not where you want to be in or out of the gym: It is YOUR fault. Own your crap.
-I do supersets and giant sets not because it is the most advantageous way to gain muscle...I do them because things need to get done...My time is limited, and I don't like most of the idiots at the gym. So I get in, get it done, and get out. I hate walking into the gym, but love walking out soaked and spent...results aren't a bad thing either.
-People worry too much about small stuff when the big stuff is not in order. This stuff is not complicated...grow a pair, don't eat bad, and get just a little bit better each training session. Look at the 5/3/1 questions in the powerlifting forum...some of them are valid, yet some look a whole lot like, "Hey Jimbo, is it ok for me to switch out my Gallon of milk a day for a gallon of skittle flavored vodka? Will this make me HYOOOOOGGGEEEE?"
-Another note on that...Invest in knowledge. Don't ask 1,000 stupid questions that could all be answered by spending $20 bucks on a book with ALL of the answers (5/3/1, Precision nutrition, Starting Strength). If you can't afford it, send me a PM about why -- if I can't use my brain to figure out a way for you to earn $20, I'll send you the money myself! - There are no free lunches, and you will have to work hard and earn every bit you get. If it was easy-everyone would do it! A new you does not come in 6 easy installments of $19.95!
-Finally, if you are not regularly doing ATG squats and heavy deads, don't even bother asking a question about getting bigger and stronger...It’s called hard work…and you’re doing it wrong.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
A New Place and Time

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Ok well not really mine but a conglomerate of data that I have collected and wrapped up for you in what I hope is a neat little package.
So as most of you know I eat Paleo, which has now been stripped down to:
1) lean meats (mainly fish and eggs+chicken sausage+chicken)
2) Veggie (Im talking boat load, big bowls)
3) Some fruit (Mainly applesauce, apples, lara-bars, berry medleys, blueberries)
4) Some starch (sweet potatoes)
5) Fat (coconut butter (Thanks for the addiction Wendy! :) and coconut milk)
But one thing I have added to the list and something I have tinkered with before is:
Intermittent Fasting.
I base my fasting off of an hybrid approach from Martin Berkan's Lean Gains style of IF. (Check out leangains.com for yourself).
First start with the teacher:
Martin is a nutritional consultant, magazine writer and personal trainer who has developed and uses a type of fasting and eating style that can cause some serious amazing and fantastic results. He also has a bachelor’s degree in Medical Sciences and Education with a major is in Public Health Sciences.
What is IF:
IF stands for Intermittent Fasting and basically what happens if you refrain from taking in anything with calories while fasting and then consume well balanced, usually larger meals during the feeding window. LG (Lean Gains) typically runs a 16/8 which means you fast for 16hr and feed for 8hr. I got the numbers confused and so I do 18/6. (Do not do that, that is not a recommendation it is just what I do.) It also should be noted that women should fast anywhere from 12-14hr based off of mood i.e. "bitchiness." Im not kidding. From what I have been told women who fast for to long develop short fuses and tend to become more irritable, no idea why but that's just the way it is. It is recommended that most women DO NOT exceed a 14 hr fast.

What differs LG from other types of fasting diets is a focus geared more towards overall healthy foods, as where some fasting diets allow you to go complete eat-whatever-I-damn-well-want feedings and there is a greater focus on Pre&Post workout nutrition and meal timing. Leangains is specifically tailored to fitness and strength training, and for those wanting to get as lean and strong as possible. There are also specific guidelines with regards to calorie cycling, macrocomposition and meal timing.
Also, LG balances carb and fat in take in this manner:
Workout Days: Higher carb & Lower Fat.
NonWorkout Days: Lower Carb & Moderate Fat.
These are 'general' recommendations since this depends on several factors such as priorities, training volume and activity, gender, body fat % and carb tolerance. Some people get good results from 25-30% carbs on 'high' days, going keto on low days, while others go moderate/high carb on training days and never below 100 g carbs on 'low' days.
The Science and Benefits:
So most people immediately go "well you will go into starvation mode" and "that doesnt sound healthy" and "no way."Well here is the science behind it:
1)'Starvation mode' is just one of the many persistent myths in the fitness/bodybuilding community. It only becomes a possible factor to consider in the most extreme scenarios: think anorexia, prolonged and severe dieting, 'stage ready' fitness/bodybuilding competitors (4-5% body fat for men, 8-9% for women). Your metabolism certainly wont down regulate within one day.
2) Obsessive meal eating and timing no longer really applies or is used.
3) No need to worry about dodging or be scared about social gatherings.
4)Is eating every second or third hour important in order to “stoke the metabolic fire”? No, there is no scientific support for that idea and studies on the subject were carefully controlled, showing no correlation at all between meal frequency and metabolism. Perhaps a high meal frequency was needed in order to provide the body with a regular stream of nutrients, making sure that you had a constant supply of amino acids in order to stave off muscle catabolism and promote muscle growth? No, looking at how the body processes and digests meals, this isn’t the case either. Digestion of a regular meal takes about 6-7 hours and during this time amino acids are being released into the bloodstream. 30 g’s of casein takes about 7 hours to get fully assimilated. Double that amount and you will have amino acids in the bloodstream most of your waking hours. Is a high meal frequency needed in order to keep hunger at bay and not overeat? This is the only point where a high meal frequency has some empirical backing – at least when you look at how inactive test subjects in lab settings rate hunger, on different meal patterns, while being fed a high carb diet compromised of calorie dense foods. Not really something that can be applied the physique conscious crowd, or the environment most people spend their waking hours in.
5) Feeding time revolves around the goal: fat loss, muscle gain, both, body comp, performance etc.
6) Post workout meal is the largest meal (upwards of 80% of caloric in take done Post Wod). Reasons behind this are due to protein absorption and synthesis, insulin spiking and proper shuttling,since liver glycogen is beneficial to hormones involved in anabolism,
7) Do your own damn research. More info found here leangains.com
8) For more on science and myths go: http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top-ten-fasting-myths-debunked.html
How To:
Really you should check out this link and do all the reading you can, possibly several times and then post any questions to the comments section under this blog post. http://www.leangains.com/2010/04/leangains-guide.html
Who shouldnt:
As its been said those who should stay away from a LG/IF diet are those who still suffer from metabolic disorders or derangement, those with horrible food choices, those with horrible sleep and most of all those who have a combination of the above. I think this is important to find out who you are in this list. If you feel your metabolism is shot down or you suffer from other metabolic disorders (google peeps)then you want to correct your issues first before starting an approach like this. Im afraid most of you will use the rational that "oh I fasted for 12-18 hours and I worked out so my body can handle anything right now so I can eat what ever I want!!"
That is NOT true nor would I recommend any such thinking. If you are not completely settled within your own skin then I suggest grabbing reality and slamming it face first into desire and move forward in getting things under control until you are in your desired skin. If you have horrible cravings or make horrible food choices then you need to change that first. If you cant stick to strict paleo for at least two weeks then you shouldnt start an IF approach nor should you be talking to me.
What I do:
I have tried to create a schedule so I fast 18hr. I like it. I stop eating at 6 or 7pm and dont start eating until 1 or 2pm the following day. I usually eat 2 large meals or 3 spread out meals. I try to shift the fruit and starch towards post workout meal. I do train fasted and I really like it. I have hit an energy crash once only in the past 3 weeks but it was probably more mental than anything. I try to keep a high protein diet and right now mix that with a moderate fat and moderate to high fruit (for carbs). The reason for the fruit is because I bought a bunch of it on my last shopping trip. I will switch over to starch and little fruit when I move. The results? I feel great, Im getting more vascular, leaning and gaining at the same time. Will this happen to you? Hell no. It can, dont get me wrong, but it depends on you. This isnt a cookie cutter approach that would work for anyone who tries it. Some people need tweeks in different areas.
Please post any questions you have to the comments and I will try and quickly get back to you. Take care and I hope this helps. Train hard-eat smart.

Friday, February 25, 2011
Whatcha know about health???
So I found a new way to eat. Who is with me??!!??
In all serious I do not condone this type of eating style but would be totally down to recreate or create a dish. Check out there video where they make the 100,000 calorie sandwich.
No, I did not miss type a single freaking letter. 100,000 calories... You would probably have to do the same amount of burpees to work that off and then fast for 2 weeks AFTER of course we replace your heart, lungs, stomach and entire circulatory system.
That's right....carrots are for ugly people!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Coach Chris
Monday, February 21, 2011
Like lost....
Well there is new training, new eating, new sleeping, new recovery and probably some other stuff I am forgetting.
Things that damage your hormones -list of topics:
Pituitary damage: ref http://en.wikipedia.org/...Pituitary_gland
-blows to the head or whiplash http://en.wikipedia.org/..._%28medicine%29
-adinomas http://en.wikipedia.org/...tuitary_adenoma
Drugs and chemicals:
-Rx drugs
-OTC drugs
-hair loss drugs
-other chemicals, toxins, pollution
-heavy metals
-fire retardants in furniture or fire fighter's fire retardant clothes
Effects of other reproductive and related hormones:
-Estradiol http://en.wikipedia.org/.../wiki/Estradiol
-Prolactin http://en.wikipedia.org/.../wiki/Prolactin
-Xeno estrogens http://en.wikipedia.org/...ki/Xenoestrogen
-Xeno testosterone: http://tnation.T-Nation.com/...tase_inhibitors
--hair loss drugs 5-alpha reductase inhibitors -extremely dangerous for a few - see above
-Prohormones [PH] http://en.wikipedia.org/...wiki/Prohormone -extremely dangerous for a few
-Deca http://en.wikipedia.org/...wiki/Nandrolone - see xeno-testosterone above
Damage to the testicles [testes] ref http://en.wikipedia.org/.../wiki/Testicles
-cancer http://en.wikipedia.org/...sticular_cancer
-Varicocele [blood supply] http://en.wikipedia.org/...wiki/Varicocele
-Torsion [Physical damage] http://en.wikipedia.org/...ticular_torsion
-Trauma http://en.wikipedia.org/...sticular_trauma
-Fever: If you have a fever and your testes hurt, they may be damaged
Damage to the pituitary gland:
-head trauma, blow to the head or whip lash can scar the pituitary gland
-a pituitary adenoma http://en.wikipedia.org/...tuitary_adenoma
--can decrease LH and/or increase prolactin
--may press in optic nerves, reducing peripheral vision in one or both eyes
---could create other visual field disturbances [not vision correction issue]
--can results in other hormone problems
-watch for multiple pituitary hormone problems
Comorbidies: http://en.wikipedia.org/...iki/Comorbidity
-hypothyroidism http://en.wikipedia.org/.../Hypothyroidism
-adrenal fatigue http://en.wikipedia.org/...Adrenal_fatigue
--watch DHEA-S levels
-syndrome X aka metabolic disorder http://en.wikipedia.org/...abolic_syndrome
-insulin resistance [and diabetes] http://en.wikipedia.org/...ulin_resistance
-influences of the digestive system
-arterial disease and high blood pressure [BP]
-poor cell wall permeability
-low cholesterol, natural, diet induced, result of statin drugs
-low CoQ10, age related, induced by statin drugs
-low dietary EFA's [essential fatty acids]
-low iodine
-other low trace minerals
-sub optimal vitamin D
-anti oxidants
I have started making this cocktail:
Morning tea: 4oz 100% cranberry juice, 1 lemon, ginkgo balboa+ginseng green tea+ 30oz warm water. (amazing!!)