Friday, February 25, 2011

Whatcha know about health???

Salad???!? F**K SALAD!!!!

So I found a new way to eat. Who is with me??!!??

In all serious I do not condone this type of eating style but would be totally down to recreate or create a dish. Check out there video where they make the 100,000 calorie sandwich.

No, I did not miss type a single freaking letter. 100,000 calories... You would probably have to do the same amount of burpees to work that off and then fast for 2 weeks AFTER of course we replace your heart, lungs, stomach and entire circulatory system.

That's right....carrots are for ugly people!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Coach Chris

So a friend of mine emailed me this link to expain that this is what she imagined when she heard that I would be teaching high school students. Honestly I am probably going to give this same speech on my first day. Let me know if you guys think it would be a good talk to have with them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Like lost.... the back of the fridge....something tasty and healthy you forgot was there....

That's what this blog is like.

I'm back kids!! How you like me now?!? From what I have heard recently, not too much. But moving on.

Whats new??

Well there is new training, new eating, new sleeping, new recovery and probably some other stuff I am forgetting.

Lets get on the subject of estrogen. Estrowhat? Estrogen, that lovely hormone that can make you hold fat in special places (whole body really. And yes my whole body is a special place), act completely irrational and emotional, cry while watching episodes of the Rugrats, and even turn you on....and off. Its a bitch of a hormone (no offense ladies). There are SEVERAL things that can impact your hormones:

Things that damage your hormones -list of topics:

Pituitary damage: ref
-blows to the head or whiplash

Drugs and chemicals:
-Rx drugs
-OTC drugs
-hair loss drugs
-other chemicals, toxins, pollution
-heavy metals
-fire retardants in furniture or fire fighter's fire retardant clothes

Effects of other reproductive and related hormones:
-Xeno estrogens
-Xeno testosterone:
--hair loss drugs 5-alpha reductase inhibitors -extremely dangerous for a few - see above
-Prohormones [PH] -extremely dangerous for a few
-Deca - see xeno-testosterone above

Damage to the testicles [testes] ref
-Varicocele [blood supply]
-Torsion [Physical damage]
-Fever: If you have a fever and your testes hurt, they may be damaged

Damage to the pituitary gland:
-head trauma, blow to the head or whip lash can scar the pituitary gland
-a pituitary adenoma
--can decrease LH and/or increase prolactin
--may press in optic nerves, reducing peripheral vision in one or both eyes
---could create other visual field disturbances [not vision correction issue]
--can results in other hormone problems
-watch for multiple pituitary hormone problems

-adrenal fatigue
--watch DHEA-S levels
-syndrome X aka metabolic disorder
-insulin resistance [and diabetes]
-influences of the digestive system
-arterial disease and high blood pressure [BP]
-poor cell wall permeability

-low cholesterol, natural, diet induced, result of statin drugs
-low CoQ10, age related, induced by statin drugs
-low dietary EFA's [essential fatty acids]
-low iodine
-other low trace minerals
-sub optimal vitamin D
-anti oxidants

and truly the list goes on and on. I wont talk about why there are so many things damaging your hormones online, you would have to ask me in person.

Now there are several things within your own body that produce, extract and regulate hormones. A big one concerning estrogen is your liver. You liver detoxifies your body from excess estrogens. Like booze?!? Chances are you probably arent the leanest person or lean muscle(est?) or nicest or should seek help. Alcohol shuts down and posions the liver. Damage to the liver, like college or a bad break up, can cause problems for several years down the road basically the liver is a way to stay sexy and young BUT you have to take care of it. No (Ian) wild turkey does not take care of the liver.

After recently reading an article on liver detoxing and health (

I have started making this cocktail:

Morning tea: 4oz 100% cranberry juice, 1 lemon, ginkgo balboa+ginseng green tea+ 30oz warm water. (amazing!!)

What does it do?? Read the fracking article for yourself! I will walk down the road to enlightenment with you hand in hand but I aint dragging your ass/ carrying you.

Soon I will be supplement Vitamin E anyway because of its effects on circulation.

If you like this article please freaking respond.

Train hard.
She's got a healthy liver..yes she can almost see it.....but you wont stop staring at her booty.....naughty you