Hey there,
So Ive been doing pretty strict zone (pretty strict only means 1 cheat meal, and it hurt so bad I don't know if I ever want to cheat again) and the results have been interesting to say the least.
Over the past Easter vacation my mother cooked a ham. this ham damn near fed me for a week and made life so much easier. When it came time to eat, I didn't stare at the fridge trying to figure it out. I weighed it and I ate it, and damn it, it was good. Some of you would get sick of eating just ham for a week, but I don't care. It saved me time and money and gave me a chance to focus on other things than cooking. So I started thinking....like a caveman.
A complaint I commonly hear is: "I don't want to diet because I don't want to eat the same thing everyday."
My response: "Awesome!! Everything is always the same thing. Meat is meat! Its only flavored differently, it only has additives and is masked by other things that make it taste different than another type of meat. Hence the saying (if something is eaten without additives) "it tastes like chicken!!" Because everything will taste like chicken unless you flavor it.
So with my caveman mind set I thought that old hunter gather cultures didn't have too much variety when it came to food, especially meat. The Tokelau tribe used to live off a diet of solely fish and coconuts AND guess what? They were healthy, fit and disease free (until the Europeans showed up). Talk about variety "what are we gonna eat today mom?"
So with my caveman mind set I thought that old hunter gather cultures didn't have too much variety when it came to food, especially meat. The Tokelau tribe used to live off a diet of solely fish and coconuts AND guess what? They were healthy, fit and disease free (until the Europeans showed up). Talk about variety "what are we gonna eat today mom?"
So I thought, if I was a native American living on the plains I would hunt and kill an animal and eat that animal until there was nothing let to eat of it and then go and repeat the process. So.....I went hunting......

Doesn't it look delicious?!? :) There's the majority of my meals for the next few days (hopefully week). BUT I did also go shopping recently and Sean, who will be zoning shortly, wanted to know what I bought. So here is the rest of my food list until it runs dry and I must hunt again:
Broccoli - spinach - apple sauce - lettuce - sweet potatoes - mushrooms - butterball turkey - strip steak - turkey patties (they were buy one get one free, you cant pass the up) salami - bacon - crab = yummy in my tummy.
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