Unfortunately this is not true; Performance does not equal result. You may get a result, but only half and therefore not a complete result, ergo not a result. Most (meaning all) of the results we wish to accomplish are solely going to be accomplished by nutrition. I have to agree with Glassman in that "I wish it wasnt true." I wish a steady diet of beer, ice cream and pizza would provide me enough protein, carbs and fats to give me an 8pac, 277 clean and jerk, and a sub 3 fran. The truth is, there is no way in hell thats gonna happen.
So if you are one of our members who isnt getting the "result" you came to us to get, then you need to start focusing on "what youre putting in the tank." If youre killing yourself and not reaping the reward or not reaping it quickly enough, you need a gut check (no pun intended) and you need to make some changes to your game. The following excerpt is from Robb Wolf's amazing wife Nicki Violetti who recently posted the following on their website:
Ditching Liquid Sugar
Posted by Nicki on April 07, 2009
Last night one of our little sugar addicted On Rampers (no names necessary ☺) was asking how she could lose her little “pooch” of a belly. My response: nutrition!
I wish it wasn’t the case! I wish we could just make the workouts harder and just kick people’s fannies day in and day out and they would have perfect body composition. The truth of the matter however, is that no matter how hard you train, you won’t reach your potential with regards to performance and body composition if you don’t dial in your nutrition!
This means NO soda, NO diet soda, NO mocha’s, NO adding sugar to your coffee and tea, NO juice, NO flavored aspartame water, NO Gatorade or other sports drinks…NO LIQUID SUGAR!
Intake of dietary sugar elevates blood sugar, which in turn causes the release of insulin in the body. Insulin is a FAT STORAGE HORMONE! Therefore, the more sugary foods and drinks you consume the more you tell your body to store fat...and prevent your body from using your body fat for energy.
If on the other hand, you keep dietary sugar intake low you will improve your body’s insulin sensitivity and you will be able to access body fat for energy…i.e. YOU WILL LEAN OUT!
I know it’s not easy, the sugar habit is hard to break! But, if you can navigate Step #1 you will be well on your way to being a lean ass-kicking machine!!! You can do it!
---Very smart, true advice from a very smart woman. That and once you can pass the insulin and sugar addiction cravings, its really easy to ignore this kind of crap in your diet.

--Robb spotting Nicki with the back squat in their gym. (it looks like 185lb but i could be wrong)
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