That's a whole lot of tastiness!!
Those are all McDonald's cheeseburgers.
Its never really funny to laugh at death. But sometimes its just ironic as hell (no pun intended).
After downing my post workout zone meal I was headed back to my room when I passed the TV and heard someone talking about McDonald's. I stopped to hear what they had to say.
It was a program on CNBC or what have you about the history of the company and where they are headed and even about nutrition. The man on the screen was talking about how in the early 2000's the company was struggling. Stock was falling, people weren't just into it. And two of the CEO's came up with some grand ideas to bring the burger king (no relation) back to life. Unfortunately one of the main CEOs and his back up suddenly DIED!! (HA!) One of a heart attack (No sh*t you say, Ill be damned you say) (please tell me that's not ironic, or funny, somehow) the other one died of cancer.
Now that one probably makes a little less sense than the heart attack but its probably in relation to the scientific fact that high carb, high sugar diets cause cancer. I know, dammit, that's the one diet we were all hoping would be the cure to all diseases, fitness and health. Nope, its actually the cause of disease, bad health and no fitness. Literally the cause to all most all diseases. What happens is a slew of problems but they mainly start in the gut (small intestine to be exact.) Eating all those yummy happy meals probably caused this man "gut irritation" (Google that and you will be amazed at what you find). This irritation led his bodies natural defense systems to shut down, slowly, and eventually could not defend him from cancer causing agents that attacked his cells. Either way to die of these two, isn't fun, nor quick, or quite.
As the show went on they talked about taste testers. You should have seen the wide ass, thick legged, big belly, triple chin, jiggly under arm women that showed up for this. Their job for the day; test 3! - 3/4 pound Angus burgers. What a job. The men, surprisingly involved in the testing, weren't as big as the women but did have some thickness around the waste.
When one of the marketing CEOs (who has 1 billion dollars to work with each year for marketing, not just what he makes, what hes allotted to use) was asked about people making healthier decisions he said that its an individual preference, that its up to the person to make the right choice. This, in Logic and rationality, is called blame shifting. When he is basically accused of causing child and adult obesity and health related issues, he shifts blame and says its not his fault he makes and sells the products, its the consumers fault for buying them. (Nice guy, nice)
speaking of the kiddy's!
That's basically what the marking geniuses of the company have figured out. The food is addictive. We know this as almost fact. (WHAT?! WHY?! HOW?!) Ill tell you. If you remember the grain paper written by Robb Wolf: "Grains also have a highly addictive nature beyond the carbohydrate content. They contain opiate-like substances that can be very problematic. Not surprisingly, these opioid constituents can be concentrated in dairy. Makes one look at pizza in a new and frightening way." Whats a good McDonald's meal, 3/4 pounder with cheese and a milk shake. Interesting.... So the kids eat this stuff, its addicting. The advertisements (1 billion dollars worth) is spent trying to relay the message that eating McDonald's is not only OK, BUT its what they are SUPPOSE to eat. Every time they eat it they get a toy too. Kind of a deal huh? Imagine an adult restaurant that handed out things if you ate there, like a cell phone, or money back, or a member of the opposite sex, or a car, I bet sales would be pretty high up there. One of the women interviewed in the program at a McDonald's said that she brings her kid, a small boy maybe 10ish, twice every week. (I'm sure she is lying). She said if she doesn't he gets cranky, throws a tantrum until she gives in and takes him. Sounds like a fracking drug addict if you ask me. The reason she does this, besides the kid needing a fix, is explained that its cheap, easy, and shes tired. So killing your kid because you want to save money, because its easy and because its cheap, cause you're tired are good reasons. OH my god!! Seriously?!?
Some clients tell me when trying to stay on the righteous path "I couldn't help myself."
Now I understanding planning a cheat meal, but there is a designated time for that.
Giving in because you could resist the drug addicted urge, or peer pressure is a completely different. Why doesn't this parent, or you, buy and use crack. Hell you will lose weight and save money and time. You will get more done, you will feel better. Whats the down side?? Oh, yeah, eventually it will freakin kill you. Well sorry momma, so will those happy meals.
Food is a drug, don't get it twisted. That's how you should look at it. Its the most important, helpful and potential dangerous drug you do.
The program ended with it showing that they have opened chains in Korea (communism meets capitalism they said). Its going to be an interesting experiment. We now have a control group. Somewhat of a population that has been untouched by the clown has now injected this dangerous substance into the population. We will see how they do overtime. Anyone want to start a pool on this one??
Maybe this is the governments secret way of killing Koreans over time. Pretty sneaky if you ask me.
By the by, none of these people working for McDonald's have/had no problem killing you, or your kids (if you have them) or your friends, or parents, neighbors etc. They will do it for the money, they wont change their ways. They will do it because it keeps them rich. They will do it with a smile. They are doing it, "Because they're loving it!"
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