So we all know that the big thing right now is food that is "sugar free." Well unfortunately most of the products saying "sugar free" are lying to you. (I know! Who would-a thunk it?) Basically the company tells people like the FDA who over see their product, that whatever they are selling is sugar free. What they are really saying, is that they removed the "table sugar" and replaced it with another kind of sugar OR are using another name for sugar. Clever little bastards....
Those of you who love your protein drinks, let me guarantee you, it has sugar in it (all most all of the time =). So we know, because I have said it a thousand times, SUGAR UPS YOUR INSULIN! INSULIN IS A FAT STORAGE HORMONE. If you dont like fat then you may want to, just a suggestion, its really based on science and not my opinion control your F**KING SUGAR AND INSULIN!! So if you are going to ask me in the next few days, "chris, how can I loose some weight?" You better be able to recite back to me about what you need to control.
So, anywho, if you think your unnatural, packaged product in your hand is sugar free, look for anything on the list below and become instantly disappointed if you see any of the names (i cant pronounce) on your product.
Those of you who love your protein drinks, let me guarantee you, it has sugar in it (all most all of the time =). So we know, because I have said it a thousand times, SUGAR UPS YOUR INSULIN! INSULIN IS A FAT STORAGE HORMONE. If you dont like fat then you may want to, just a suggestion, its really based on science and not my opinion control your F**KING SUGAR AND INSULIN!! So if you are going to ask me in the next few days, "chris, how can I loose some weight?" You better be able to recite back to me about what you need to control.
So, anywho, if you think your unnatural, packaged product in your hand is sugar free, look for anything on the list below and become instantly disappointed if you see any of the names (i cant pronounce) on your product.
Here are 20 other names for sugar:
Barely Malt - Brown rice syrup - corn syrup - dextrose - evaporated cane juice invert syrup - fructose - fruit juice - galactose - glucose - granular fruit grape juice concentrate - high fructose corn syrup - honey - lactose - maltodextrin - maple syrup - molasses - organic can juice - sorghum - sucrose - turbinado.
Good luck trying to find a clean product!......Im not being sarcastic, seriously good luck, its hard as hell even for someone like me but just remember....no one really loves love handles .......=)
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