We are inside our hearts.
Now imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light.
That's right your pain.
The pain itself, is a white ball of healing light.
Sometimes you can see that light. A little glimmer.
A sparkle out of the corner of your eye.
A star.
You will see it if you push yourself hard enough. If you empty the gas tank. If you burn your last carb in your stomach. As your body is sucking sugar from your muscles like a fat kid with a Jack in the Box milkshake.....you can see it.
Its healing you.
Its breaking down your muscle fibers; fast twitch, slow twitch, twitches and fibers you didnt even know you had.
That little sparkle is ripping things in your body, its flooding your legs and arms with acid. It burns.
Its healing you.
You dont know it, but it is. Its making you stronger. Its making you faster. Its making you suffer so you can become something better than you were 46 seconds ago.
Some will foolishly assume its an angel, or a dead relative looking over them.
Its not.
Its your pain.
Everyone needs to realize this. Everyone needs to accept the hurt, learn to love it, to lust after it, to be greedy for it.
But your pain can not operate by itself. It needs a companion. It needs a friend. Someone to feed off of, something for you to feed off of and use as motivation when you get to that panic breathing-stomach turning moment where you get weak and think theres no way you can lift the weight again. No way you can do another burpee. No way you can do another pull up. That you need to stop, and let go of the bar. Stop and catch your breath. Stop and let the clock keep running. In moments like these you need to find your power animal.
I dont like sharing all my information with people, because I am in some competition with a few of you, so some of my cards are tight to the chest. But this one, I will lay down. Below is a small snap shot of my power animal before a workout. I told her we were going to do Fran this week..and this is the look she gave me. 

Dont F*k with my power animal. I dont and you shouldnt either.
And because Im not such a serious guy, here are some funny picture (some with inapproriate language, but I didnt write them so dont be offended.) Enjoy. Always be seriously joking; you will live longer.
Dont worry guys, they wont make you look like that.
I dont think you want this as your power animal.