Some of you already received this email, but I thought I would share it with the rest of you just in case. This is basically a real easy (Paleo) way to drop weight. If followed accordingly you could shed fat and fast. But! There is a catch. This is pretty much for form not function. Meaning it is only for how you look not how you will preform. If you intend on doing this and not sucking at the WODs then you are mistaken =( Though, a few of you might just perform better. This is the amazing "tinkering" process you hear so much about. Nothing works exactly the same for everyone. If I cut carbs (another article on that later) then I lean out, but I cant perform worth my power animal (and she doesn't like it. She likes the way I look but thinks I'm a bitch). If I have just the right amount of carbs, I can tear it up (like some of you saw bright and early on Saturday=) So without any more rambling; here it is.
What’s going on inside:
Ok so this whole weight loss, weight gain issue is basically determined by a fat storage hormone called insulin. If we can become masters/controllers of our insulin we will become dominate over our appearance.
The deciding factor of what goes where (i.e. energy going into muscles or things being stored as fat) concerning insulin regulation is carbohydrates. So let’s break it down:
Carbs = insulin.
Carbs have the most influence on our insulin, way above protein and fat. The more carbs you eat the higher your blood sugar and insulin rise. Insulin ultimately determines how much your fat and muscle cells grow.
So when you eat more carbs then your body can burn and the body can not use the carbs to boost muscular growth, then those remaining carbs are automatically stored as fat.
When we keep glycogen levels and insulin levels low enough, we basically are telling our bodies to build muscle and burn fat. Your body would rather work off, and will work off, of the sugar (glycogen) in your muscles first, before it gets to the fat. If we keep the insulin levels low enough, we will train the body to use stored fat as an energy source once the sugar in the muscles is tapped/used. With insulin levels low enough, and exercise in the proper form, we can force the body to store carbs in the muscles rather than covert it to fat storage.
So counting overall calories becomes less as important as being aware of the total amount and the time in which carbs are consumed. If we eat carbs at the wrong time, our body stores them as fat. Eat them as the right time and the body stores it as energy in the muscles to be used as fuel.
For the first few days there can be some complaining because basically the body is detoxing. Having your body switch over and making it start burning stored fat as a fuel source takes time, depending on how much damage you have done to your insulin levels over time. Basically if you are addicted to carbs, because they are addicting, your body will have to adjust and learn to not be addicted; this part of the process can cause issues with the body, mainly mentally. Crankiness, irritability, fatigue and tiredness are all common. BUT THEY WILL GO AWAY. Once your body adapts, and it only takes a few days, you will operate better than you ever have in your entire life. Eventually you will have more energy, be more clear-headed, have less carb cravings and have less gastrointestinal issues.
What to eat: A majority of your eating should come strictly from protein and fat. Both will make you feel full and give you plenty of fuel to operate effectively on a day to day basis. Protein, fat and veggie will only spike insulin levels ever so slightly. Anything outside of those three can cause insulin levels to rise, possible causing your body to store the carbs as fat.
Your daily numbers should look something like this:
Protein 30-40%
Carbs: 20-30%
Fat: 40-60%
Protein: Good sources of protein in the general sense consist of:
Beef – Eggs – Poultry – Fish – Pork
Carbs: Good Sources of carbs in the general sense should consist of:
Mushrooms – onions – spinach – broccoli – celery – zucchini – cucumbers – cauliflower – tomatoes – asparagus – artichokes – brussel sprouts – apples – grapes – strawberries – blueberries.
The fruit listed about should be LIMITED. Maybe a serving a day…maybe. For now. Figure it this way; the fruit will spike insulin levels higher than veggies. So if you eat more fruit, you could potentially, store more fat. If fat loss is your goal, then you decide. Abuse this and I will step in and intervene.
Fat: Good sources of fat will consist of:
Nuts and seeds – olives – olive oil – coconut oil/ coconuts – butter (natural butter) – avocados.
All of your meal will consist of Protein and Fat. This is a great way to start breakfast. Lunch you can add in some veggies. Snacks should consist of Protein + Fat + (up to you) Carbs.
Protein is the essential followed by fat. If you are way too hungry, way too tired and overall just not liking the diet then you aren’t eating enough fat. Fat basically becomes important for controlling how your body craves and needs calories.
Things to stay away from: Grains, sugar and starches.
How long:
It should take about two good, clean weeks for results to be very noticeable. Worst case scenario an entire month to balance out the system. What it really comes down to is your goal and how serious you are to get there. If you want to loose weight and quickly you will do everything exactly stated as above and not deviate from the plan. Any time you go off the plan you have to basically restart. This isn’t something that goes on forever. We need to get to where we want to go and then maintain, but we will be allowed room to play. It’s not hard it’s easy. Its not expensive, it’s cheap. It works and it works the best. If you have any questions, email me.
Great article. Super easy and to the point... just what we need for summer!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!