Friday, May 1, 2009

Rest Day

Hey Every BODY!
I got so caught up in the Cheat Day/Rest Day post talking about wonderful (terrible) delicious (unhealthy) food that I totally forgot to talk about the rest part of the day.
Usually I try to keep cheat meals on the same days as WOD days and eat clean when I rest. Why? Because thats how youre suppose to f*ing rest. Your body cant recover correctly on a rest day if you are just craming Ihop specials down your throat. The body needs proper sleep, proper exercise, proper recovery and of course proper food (duh!) So I usually workout and then have my nasty meal. Is this counter productive? Yes! Do I care? Yes!/No! Not really all the time. Its psychologically necessary and as previously explained physically necessary to a point. Now do you think cavemen spent their cheat days throwing back beers and stock piling Ben and Jerry's? Hell no! But, we have evolved (actually de-evolved)(But that is besides the point.) In todays wonderful new age we think we need this. But lets use a little of Tylers Wisdom to have a better look at this:
You are not your iced latte.
You are not your large stack of blueberry pancakes.
You are not your Jack and Coke.
You are not your Ben and Jerry's.
You are not your 5th Tequila shot.
You are not your protein shake.
Your Gatorade does not define you.
You are not your Angus Bacon and Swiss.
You are not your diabetes.

So what to do on a rest day? Well most would actually recommend that we rest; take the day off, kick back and relax, keeping physical activity to a limit. But the more "Fit" we get, the more we want to do. But the more we actually do, the more we need to consume to fuel this "doing." Do you see the cycle? Do more, you eat more. Eat properly=you do more and see improvement. Do more and eat badly=doing a little less but look and feel like nasty. So below is a link to what I do on rest days. Enjoy!
(Its no Darren video but it was my first try.)

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